The legendary Scott Kolins has graced the Emergents Universe with his dynamic and expressive art since the start. Having worked for many comics publishers before now, Kolins has specialized in speedsters, being well known for a long run on The Flash with Geoff Johns in the early 2000s. He’s brought that same skill to fast characters at InterPop with the Accelerant, and has also illustrated the dinosaur-like Dimetrodon, and the wrestling duo, the Form and the Function. He’s also taken on many of our variant editions, featuring the Nine and many other Emergents. Find out more about this master of pen and ink, and pick up his most recent variant while you’re here!
InterPop: You’ve drawn a wide variety of interior stories and covers for the Emergents Universe, from the familiar speedster art of the Accelerant in Emergents Presents #1 to the tag-team wrestlers the Form and the Function in Emergents Presents #7, out this month. Does your approach to the art change depending on the character?
Scott: Yes, I usually try and tailor my art to the story and characters involved. The Form and the Function are in a superhero universe so it’s not far from my regular style — but a bit grittier. Hopefully that might help communicate a pro wrestling feel?
InterPop: Which characters have been the most fun to draw thus far?
Scott: I like most of them — but some, like Dimetrodon, connect with me right away.
InterPop: You’re most well known for a long run on The Flash, with Geoff Johns. Has the process changed any from the early 2000s at DC to InterPop today?
Scott: Each project is a bit different. Some connect with me more easily, more smoothly. Some creators are more or less communicative — or more or less collaborative. I’ve worked with all sorts. Each team will consciously or unconsciously leave it’s fingerprint on the story or book. I like that.
InterPop: What’s the last great graphic novel you read?
Scott: Monsters by Barry Windsor-Smith!
InterPop: What’s next on your drawing board for InterPop?
Scott: Another InterPop cover — for The Abyss #2; some DC work, and putting together another creator-owned project!
InterPop: Tell us what excites you about working with InterPop!
Scott: Rachel Gluckstern, who I knew from DC projects — invited me on this fun train! She’s wonderful to work with! And I like the feel of this line. Very enjoyable!